Once again, while we're unable to slow grind together live here's a recording from the ghost of slow grind past! I'll put it up on Friday afternoon and take it down on Monday morning, so dig it while you can.
The idea is for everybody to get it playing at 9pm on Saturday night Melbourne time and know we're all slow grinding together, but of course if you can't make it then or you're in a different timezone and want to listen on YOUR saturday night you can set up your zoom parties and video calls or whatever for any time over that weekend to slow grind with your pals through the satellites. Even just call your friend oh the dang phone and slow grind together!
I'll put up the SGF #43 archival recording for streaming from friday afternoon at
Mixcloud can have a bit of a lag when first loading and playing a mix, so I'll add a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO count to the start of the mix, so you can get it started, press pause on GO, let it load a bit, and then press play again right on 9pm or whenever you're listening with your pals
Looking forward to slow grinding with you all across the city
The idea is for everybody to get it playing at 9pm on Saturday night Melbourne time and know we're all slow grinding together, but of course if you can't make it then or you're in a different timezone and want to listen on YOUR saturday night you can set up your zoom parties and video calls or whatever for any time over that weekend to slow grind with your pals through the satellites. Even just call your friend oh the dang phone and slow grind together!
I'll put up the SGF #43 archival recording for streaming from friday afternoon at
Mixcloud can have a bit of a lag when first loading and playing a mix, so I'll add a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO count to the start of the mix, so you can get it started, press pause on GO, let it load a bit, and then press play again right on 9pm or whenever you're listening with your pals
Looking forward to slow grinding with you all across the city